Especially our life today has a huge potential to cause a rush of stressful thinking and harsh feelings. To develop mindfulness is one of the most essential things we can do for ourselves. It is away of life. Present moment awareness is a key component to mindfulness. Seeing the world through the eyes of a child is a way of seeing things objectively and clearly. Mindfulness is the capacity to be in the here and now in a non judgmental attitude towards oneself and the present moment experience. It is the groundwork to not get caught up in our thoughts and feelings.
„The truth will set you free“ is so true, because freedom is gained once we return to the here and now. It can help us make better decisions by not being sucked into our uncontrolled emotions nor thoughts by making conscious thinking our biggest asset. Scientific research has shown though that 90% of the thoughts we think are the same ones we were thinking the day before. That literally puts us at the mercy of a carousel. It is a carousel of reoccurring, unconscious thought processes, that cloud our high valued self-perception.
That is where we start our work together. We will start gently with present -moment- awareness and mindfulness exercises. Those exercises may allow you to see things objectively and therefore not to react on auto-pilot by misidentifying with your programming of reoccurring thoughts and emotions anymore. Our work together will lay the groundwork for your conscious thoughts and true feelings becoming your most important guide through life and towards your goals.