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My background

I always believed that everyone has a birthright fulfilling one's dreams, desires and ones's visions. For exemple: As a 10 years old I started dreaming about moving to New York City. I was living in a small town in Germany at the time. Yet 10 years later I did. I went there staright after graduating from a German High School.
After finishing my studies in NYC I moved to Los Angeles.
There in Hollywood, I came across a truly shockingly high number of homeless youth. I really wanted to do something and got in touch with the "Covenant House International"  and "My Friend's Place". I first started to work on a volunteer basis and created courses in order to support the youth in dealing with the intense stress level they were experiencing every single day. Later on I was hired to organize retreats for the staff members.
I currently live in Berlin as a "Mindful Life Coach Practiononer".

You are exactly where you need to be. Nothing is off schedule.